Putkul Health Care

Pharma Franchise

Pharma Franchise (Pharma PCD Company)

Each year with the implementation of new government policies, you might be thinking that there is no future in the industry. But you are wrong!

With an increasing number of companies, sales professionals, open markets, easy to start, very less investment, and other benefits, there is a strong future of franchise marketing in the pharma sector.

Become a Pharma PCD Company

Similar to a franchise model, Pharma PCD or Propaganda cum Distribution Franchise is all about authorization to distribute and attain marketing rights on a monopoly basis by a pharma firm to a pharma distributor, so that you can use the company name or its brand name on behalf.

You need nothing new to start. We will ask you for your Wholesale Drug License Number and Goods & Service Tax Registration Number, and you are good to go. Just these two documents, you can arrange from the wholesale or distributor on whom you want to appoint the stockiest. 

You also have the freedom to start with any number of products. You can even start with a single product sale. The number doesn’t matter, what matters is – How much can you sell.

Experience and Qualification Required to Get Pharma Franchise: –

  • A minimum of 2 years of experience in the field of sales and marketing of pharma products.
  • No minimum or maximum qualification is required. Even as a 12th passes out or a graduate, you can start reaping the benefits of your efforts.
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